Setting the Right Price: Selling a Home In a Buyer's Market
To set the right price on a home, you should combine an objective evaluation of your property with a realistic assessment of market conditions.
In good markets and bad, you are more likely to benefit by determining a fair value and sticking close to it than you are by asking an unrealistic figure and waiting for buyer response to sift out the "right" price. And in a buyer's market, setting the right price from the outset may be the only effective strategy.
You could set a fair price and then refuse to bargain. But that would deter all those people who hate to pay full price for anything and like to feel they're "getting a deal."
Better to leave a little room for negotiation by asking slightly more than you expect to get – 5% to 10% above appraised value could be a good starting point. If sales are brisk in your area, you might just end up getting top dollar.
Don't Overprice
What many sellers don't realize is that overpricing can result in their getting less for their house than if they priced it right to begin with. The reason: Knowledgeable agents and buyers often won't bid on a severely overpriced house. By the time the seller wises up, many of his best prospects will have bought other houses, decreasing demand for the now properly priced property. An overpriced house can end up being sold for less than it would have a few months earlier.
Occasionally, an agent may agree to list a property for far more than it is worth – usually at the owner's insistence. The agent knows that, if the owner is serious about selling, the price will have to come down sooner or later. But sometimes an agent who is competing against other agents for a listing will give a seller an unrealistically high estimate of value, to ensure getting the listing. After the house sits on the market awhile, the agent will suggest a new, lower price more in line with what other agents suggested in the first place.
Some sellers who don't have a deadline for selling ("unmotivated sellers," they're called) will cling for a long time to their overly high asking price – say, 20% higher than it should be. They probably won't get their asking price, and even if they do manage to sell a year later for the original price, it will be because a rising market finally caught up with their price.
They might think that they were smart to hold firm, but in fact they were naive, ignoring the time value of money. In the year (or even six months) that they clung to their high price, the rest of the real estate market probably wasn't standing still. The next home they buy may have gone up in value by at least the same margin, and possibly more.
Study the Comparables
Learn the offering and selling prices of similar properties. Find out how long each took to sell.
To be comparable, a house that sold has to be close to yours in age, style, size, condition, and location. You should also know the terms under which a house was sold. Try to find at least three comparables no more than six months old.
If you are listing your home with an agent, this kind of market research should be prepared and presented to you.
Get an Appraisal
If your idea of what your property is worth and the listing broker's recommendation doesn’t coincide, an appraisal may be in order.
Reprinted with permission. All Contents © 2007 The Kiplinger Washington Editors
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