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    Friday, January 4, 2008

    Getting back to work

    Happy New Year!

    Hope you had a great week getting back to work. Check out today’s rate sheet attached in PDF format. Mortgage Bond pricing is at the best levels since September 2005. This result comes from a Jobs report that showed only 18,000 news jobs created when expectations were 70,000. With the unemployment rate up a tick to 5.0% from 4.7% the weaker economic news is stirring the markets and improving bond pricing. If you have buyers or past clients interested in purchase or refinance money NOW is a great time. Let me help you get them pre-qualified and provide them the information needed to decide on the best loan program for their situation.

    I am NEVER too busy for any of your referrals! Have a great weekend.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

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