The mortgage business today has become so volatile, that it’s vital to make sure your clients are pre-approved correctly with a reputable company.
Here are some red flags that should be noticed by you on any Pre-approval letters,.
· Not on letterhead or signed
· Out of town lender
· The client is doing a 100% loan
· The lender is a friend or family member
· Lender & Realtor are the same
· Franklin Loan Center has not pre-approved your client ( Ha, Ha )
Pre-approvals if done correctly can be done in as little time as 10 minutes so why not value your time and make sure you’re not wasting your time and $4 a gallon of gas money. I have frequently been pre-qualifying buyers while sitting in the car with their agent, and it’s a smart way to start your day. I am available 7 days a week, so feel free to optimize my experience to help you be more efficient.

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